Six Major Groups of Polydoxians
- Polydox Unitarian Universalists: persons who affirm the Polydox Principle, who wish to have the name Unitarian Universalist, and who generally are members of a Unitarian Universalist church or fellowship. Polydox Unitarian Universalists pursue polydoxy within the interpersonal relations of the Unitarian Universalist community where individual freedom is an established tradition, and through Unitarian Universalist festivals and rituals, which although they have no fixed form do often contain some vestiges of Judeo Christian origins, if only by virtue of their names and dates of celebration.
- Polydox Christians: persons who affirm the Polydox Principle, and who wish to have the name Christian. Polydox Christians may or may not belong to Christian churches. At times, polydox Christians may ascribe a special status to Jesus, whether natural (as: “the wisest teacher” or “the greatest moralist”) or supernatural (as: “a person of the Trinitarian Godhead,” “son of God,” or “Messiah,”). In addition, polydox Christians, when they observe religious festivals and rituals, are apt to celebrate those that clearly have their source in traditional Christianity but that they often demythologize or otherwise transform to a significant degree.
- Polydox Jews: persons who affirm the Polydox Principle and who wish to have the name Jew. Polydox Jews may or may not belong to temples or synagogues, although a substantial number are affiliated with Reform Jewish institutions, and are known as polydox Reform Jews. Polydox Jews generally make a deliberate effort to create their festivals, rituals, and liturgy so that they show a recognizable relationship to those of the Jewish past. To meet polydox needs, however, this generally requires the essential transformation of past Jewish usage, particularly demythologization.
- Polydox Islam: persons who are known as liberal or progressive members of Islam. The same dynamic exists as is found in both Polydox Christianity and Polydox Judaism.
- Polydox Humanists: persons who affirm the Polydox Principle, and who wish to have the name polydox humanist. Polydox humanists generally stress a way of life that centers on human interests and values; many subscribe to a nontheistic, rationalist belief that maintains humans are capable of attaining a meaningful and moral life without recourse to supernaturalism.
- Polydox Adherents: persons who affirm the Polydox Principle, who wish to have the name polydox adherent, and who do not wish to have a historical ideological name such as Unitarian Universalist, Christian, Jew, Muslim, or humanist. Festivals, rituals, and liturgy of polydox adherents have, on principle, no relation or association with those that are distinctive to any historical religion.
Polydoxians: designates persons who affirm the Polydox Principle and includes, therefore, all of the categories described above.
Unfortunately, most polydoxians are not aware that the others exist, let alone share a sense of community with them. This being the case, the Polydox Confederation has been established to serve such purposes as the following:
- To bring Polydoxians from historically separated religious or ideological cultures and communities to an awareness of each other’s existence.
- To overcome the unfounded historical separation of Polydoxians from one another by imbuing them with a sense of membership in the same ideological community. This is the Grand Historical Synthesis, a coming together of Polydox Unitarian Universalists, Polydox Christians, Polydox Jews, Polydox Muslims, Polydox humanists, and polydox adherents.
Editor’s note: Dr. Reines passed away before the Polydox Confederation could be actualized on a large scale.