As indicated above, the Polydox Jew has the right to celebrate a holiday at the time it is most meaningful to do so. This means there is no date on which a Polydox Jew “must” or “must not” celebrate a holiday. Accordingly, Polydox Judaism does not teach that religious holidays should not be celebrated on the same dates as do other Jews.

There are Polydox Jews who have changed their celebration of the Chanukah from eight days beginning on the twenty-fifth of Kislev in the Jewish calendar to eight days beginning on the winter solstice, December twenty—first or twenty-second. Although the full argumentation for this change cannot be presented here, it is helpful to bear this point in mind. Scientific study of the past reveals that the Jews, in the course of their religious history, have repeatedly changed their calendars and the dates of their holidays. It was only in the tenth century C.E., after some three thousand years of Jewish changes of calendars and dates, that the holiday calendar Jews use today was fixed. This process of change is inevitable since life is dynamic, and conditions suitable for celebrating a holiday on a certain date in one age do not necessarily exist in another.