In Polydox Judaism, the freedom to keep religious observances in a way that the individual finds meaningful extends not only to the right to determine what those observances shall be, but also to the right to determine when those observances shall be celebrated. Accordingly, in a Polydoxy a person has every right to celebrate the Shabbat on the seventh day of the week, to light candles, and to refrain from work. On the other hand, there also exists in Polydoxy another concept of the Shabbat. This is that the Shabbat refers not to the seventh day of the week, but to a psychic state of being in which the person achieves a sense of profoundly meaningful existence. Such a Shabbat or state of being is independent of calendar measurement and can occur at any time, seventh day or otherwise. Shabbat as a state of being has become an increasingly significant meaning for the Shabbat as the intellectual, economic, and cultural conditions necessary for a meaningful seventh day Shabbat continue to deteriorate. (The meaning of Shabbat as a state of being in discussed in this article.)